viernes, 24 de julio de 2009

Indetectables Protector

Hola en esta ocacion les traigo el Indetectables protector es Como un Crypter con muchas opciones Gracias a Sanlegas quien me ayudo a programarlo y a G33KFER el es responsable que este fud
entre las que destacan cambiar icono ,exe pump,mensaje fake,eof suport,Realinear Pe Header y ensima fud al dia de su publicacion
RC4 Encrypt

[i]File Info[/i]

Report generated: 25.7.2009 at 7.26.11 (GMT 1)
Filename: 4.dll
File size: 177 KB
MD5 Hash: af231bcf8ed2f86281c9b387ff5fb0f9
SHA1 Hash: 946E60001ED178E1B4BEB11AF1B1077F38910072
Self-Extract Archive: Nothing found
Binder Detector: Nothing found
Detection rate: [color=red]1[/color] on 22


a-squared - -
Avira AntiVir - -
Avast - -
AVG - -
BitDefender - -
ClamAV - -
Comodo - -
Dr.Web - -
Ewido - -
F-PROT6 - -
Ikarus T3 - -
Kaspersky - [color=red]HEUR:Trojan.Win32.Generic[/color]
McAfee - -
NOD32 v3 - -
Norman - -
Panda - -
QuickHeal - -
Solo Antivirus - -
Sophos - -
TrendMicro - -
VBA32 - -
VirusBuster - -

[i]Scan report generated by


[i]File Info[/i]

Report generated: 25.7.2009 at 7.26.12 (GMT 1)
Filename: 5.dll
File size: 177 KB
MD5 Hash: 0bc4dcf2e852de4ea5fa9820e2c94f15
SHA1 Hash: 39AFA19C78F890F35FA4B4790481D744D2E6B61B
Self-Extract Archive: Nothing found
Binder Detector: Nothing found
Detection rate: 0 on 22


a-squared - -
Avira AntiVir - -
Avast - -
AVG - -
BitDefender - -
ClamAV - -
Comodo - -
Dr.Web - -
Ewido - -
F-PROT6 - -
Ikarus T3 - -
Kaspersky - -
McAfee - -
NOD32 v3 - -
Norman - -
Panda - -
QuickHeal - -
Solo Antivirus - -
Sophos - -
TrendMicro - -
VBA32 - -
VirusBuster - -

[i]Scan report generated by

TEA encryption

[i]File Info[/i]

Report generated: 25.7.2009 at 7.26.13 (GMT 1)
Filename: 6.dll
File size: 177 KB
MD5 Hash: 45af9193192413221c97de699419b46d
SHA1 Hash: 96D5E5C8FEE09A7EBEF3CB6F2F716119AE8A7397
Self-Extract Archive: Nothing found
Binder Detector: Nothing found
Detection rate: 0 on 22


a-squared - -
Avira AntiVir - -
Avast - -
AVG - -
BitDefender - -
ClamAV - -
Comodo - -
Dr.Web - -
Ewido - -
F-PROT6 - -
Ikarus T3 - -
Kaspersky - -
McAfee - -
NOD32 v3 - -
Norman - -
Panda - -
QuickHeal - -
Solo Antivirus - -
Sophos - -
TrendMicro - -
VBA32 - -
VirusBuster - -

[i]Scan report generated by


domingo, 12 de julio de 2009

Agregar EOF A Crypters Escritos en Visual Basic By masangel

Hola en esta ocacion les dejo este videotutorial de como agregar EOF (end of file ) a cualquier crypter escrito en visual basic para todos los que se preguntan como aqui esta espero que les guste
Public Function ReadEOFData(sFilePath As String) As String
On Error GoTo Err:
Dim sFileBuf As String, sEOFBuf As String, sChar As String
Dim lFF As Long, lPos As Long, lPos2 As Long, lCount As Long
If Dir(sFilePath) = "" Then GoTo Err:
lFF = FreeFile
Open sFilePath For Binary As #lFF
sFileBuf = Space(LOF(lFF))
Get #lFF, , sFileBuf
Close #lFF
lPos = InStr(1, StrReverse(sFileBuf), GetNullBytes(30))
sEOFBuf = (Mid(StrReverse(sFileBuf), 1, lPos - 1))
ReadEOFData = StrReverse(sEOFBuf)
If ReadEOFData = "" Then
MsgBox "EOF data was not detected!", vbInformation, "Info"
End If
Exit Function
ReadEOFData = vbNullString
End Function
Sub WriteEOFData(sFilePath As String, sEOFData As String)
Dim sFileBuf As String
Dim lFF As Long
On Error Resume Next
If Dir(sFilePath) = "" Then Exit Sub
lFF = FreeFile
Open sFilePath For Binary As #lFF
sFileBuf = Space(LOF(lFF))
Get #lFF, , sFileBuf
Close #lFF
Kill sFilePath
lFF = FreeFile
Open sFilePath For Binary As #lFF
Put #lFF, , sFileBuf & sEOFData
Close #lFF
End Sub
Public Function GetNullBytes(lNum) As String
Dim sBuf As String
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To lNum
sBuf = sBuf & Chr(0)
GetNullBytes = sBuf
End Function

martes, 7 de julio de 2009

Metodo rit by masangel

Hola hoy mostrare cmo llebar acabo el metodo rit kito una sola firma del kav
espero que les agrade
